Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 42 / Saturday, July 18th / Wooster, OH to Youngstown, OH / 115 miles

Today is our last full day in Ohio and we are on the final 10 days of pedaling until we get to our final destination which is Wallis Sands Beach in Portsmouth NH on July 28th. The weather was ideal for riding, 66 and overcast. I don't think the temperatures ever went above 72. I rode on my own enjoying the countryside and some music. The road conditions were awful. Bumpy with lots of pot holes and chewed up roads. The roads were so chewed up on the side I had to ride in the center line when ever traffic allowed.

The climbs were not as bad as yesterday, however; it was hard to generate any speed on the downhills due to the danger that poor roads present.

The last 6 miles we were on a very nice bike path. I am on the overpass of the trail and behind me (zoom) you can see a nice wooded trail. The mileage for today's ride was 92 but since the trail was so nice I went back for an additional 23 miles. Tomorrows a big day as we get into Erie, PA. Not only am I excited to see Erie, I also get a chance to see my wife, Donna, who I haven't seen since June 3rd and our good friends the Plunkett's.

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